Wednesday, April 23, 2003


The Republican Party of Wisconsin put together a cartoon that blasts Governor Doyle over the gaming compacts. A line in the script refers to taxpayers being "scalped" by the deal. This was portrayed as "racist" by hard left dem party members: Moore Demands Republicans Apologize For �Scalping� Comment

In fact one lefty group was so inflamed by the inclusion of the term "scalped" that they put out a press release blasting the racist republicans and demanding a staffer be fired for using the term. They then go on to suggest that scalping as an native indian custom was a "myth".

�To compare the state�s negotiated renewal of tribal gaming compacts with the historic practice of scalping is both shameful and incredibly inaccurate.�The myth of Native American �scalping� has long been used in racially offensive ways in Wisconsin and the nation at large, and the term now commonly refers to profiteers unfairly taking advantage of consumers who mark up ticket prices. American Indians probably acquired the practice of scalping from Europeans settlers. Absolutely no evidence exists that scalping was a widespread practice in the Americas before European contact, while French traders and English colonial assemblies actually legislated bounties to encourage the practice.
--Wisconsin Citizen Action.

Oops. Unfortunately they got their facts wrong.

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