Tuesday, November 18, 2003

Here is what happens when liars convince ordinary people:

Michael Bright uses his wildly innacurate bio to fool Williams Young into an alliance.

According to the Bio:
"Prior to the formation of Bright Consulting Inc. in 1995, Michael Bright was Chief of Staff to the Wisconsin Joint Committee on Finance, Executive Budget and Policy Advisor to the Governor, ..."

Those statements are not true.

There was and is no such post as the "Chief of Staff" to the Joint Committe on Finance and Bright didn't hold such a post.

Michael Bright says he was an Executive Budget and Policy Advisor to the Governor.

That is a lie.

He was, in fact, a junior budget/policy analyst at Wisconsin's Dept. of Admin. and NOT a "Budget and Policy Advisor to the Governor". This is a distinction with a HUGE difference. Those who were on the Governor's policy team are reputed to be steamed about these lies.

The real ex-policy advisors are embedded prominently in Wisconsin's politcal system.

We don't like this kind of garbage in Wisconsin. Bright should clean up his act or leave town.

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