Tuesday, February 25, 2003

The budget is announced. Here is a brief version of it, only 90 pages. To summarize: UW takes a $250 million hit, smoke and mirrors: $200 million, $408 million in imaginary federal dollars that WILL NOT be delivered, and maybe $150 million from indian tribes. This is inadequate.

Thursday, February 06, 2003

Here the outline of the Governor's education plot is visible, including a cover organization funded by the teachers union.:
JS Online: Group proposes base dollar amount per student to revamp school funding
Here's a fairly good description of what is proposed: WSJ Solving the State Fiscal Crisis

What it largely leaves out is the fact that it, the "Foundation Plan", will blow Wisconsin's property taxes into the stratosphere.
Here's one if the idiotic Foundation Plans:
Bugher the Buffoon
Buffoonery abounds.
The new Governor is planning to announce a "Foundation Plan" for Wisconsin's educational system. It is a wild overreach. The basics are these: Every child in the state gets the same amount of money for their education. The problem comes that not every child needs the same amount of money. It true!

The cost of living in Superior isn't what it is in Milwaukee. Milwaukee students often need more services than suburban Waukesha kids. This is where adjustments come in, and politics, and decades of litigation.

Let the games begin!

Wednesday, February 05, 2003

Break a deal, face the wheel! The state negotiated a contract with the state employees. Now they want to break the deal. Bad idea, bad politics. READ THE STORY HERE Better would be to give them their (paltry) wage increase and reduce the overall size of the government. Weed out the incompetents, there are plenty.
As a point of reference. It should be noted tha Congresswoman Tammy Baldwin (D) is an indolent and indifferently skilled backbencher. She has absolutely no clout within her caucus (that would be the Progressive Caucus, for those of you not paying attention), her party, or her institution.
Why in the world is Tammy Baldin a hardcore member of the socialist run (I'm not kidding) Progressive Caucus?

Monday, February 03, 2003
